About Us
Our Story
We are Rahul and Kishori, a couple currently based in Mumbai, India.
Rahul is an illustrator and comic artist. He has a passion to create both traditional and digital art. He loves experimenting with different media. His day job was a 3D artist for eight years which required creating 3D VFX for TV advertisements. He quit his full time job in January 2020 to find ways to make money using his art.
Kishori is an architect and has a day job. She has a great passion for creating art jewelry. She has always loved arts and crafts since childhood. Her dream in life was to have her own art and handicraft store which is somewhat fulfilled with this online store now.
What Started this?
Rahul turned 30 back in 2018 and in November 2018 he decided to give his neglected hobby of creating art lots more time and dedication. He created a profile on Instagram @sketchedup20 and started sharing more of his art there. This gave him motivation to give more time to his skill and grow it to be more than just a hobby. He also started creating comic strips about his life with his wife, Kishori, away from his parents and his crazy imagination. Getting an amazing response by the Instagram community changed his life. One thing led to another and it resulted in creating this little cozy space on the web.
Kishori on the other hand was always creating these cute pieces of art jewelry which she began selling on Instagram. Her page is @mohakkish. We thought why not combine both our passions and sell them on a common space? And that's how this store started.
All the product on this website store are designed by us with great love, attention to detail and also a sprinkling of magic. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we loved creating them.
We would love to hear what you think of our cosy little website here. Head over to the contact page or drop us a line at [email protected]
We Got Featured!
Edex, New Indian Express, 22 February, 2021